| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Config files used by DoublePics use the file extension .config and are in XML format.
Analysis process
During the analysis process, elements are created or updated.
Depending on the settings, DoublePics tries to extract image patterns, otherwise there will be only basic elements .
After the sorting process, the image elements are set with this flags .
Basic elements
Basic elements contain only information about the element source, but no image pattern. This information is for example, file name, path, date, size, and optionally the MD5 hash.
Basic elements can also be "DATA", but "unknown" as well.
Pattern variant
The internal "file format" of an image pattern.
Examples: SQ24, Pixel MD5
Category value
Category values are subcategories that - unlike to categories and integration points - can be defined and created by the user himself. When categorizing the elements, they are assigned to the category values, which are categorised in the areas of integration points and categories.
Change Password
The password can be changed at any time under The login with username and password leads to your user profile. In the drop-down menu "Account", you may change your password.
In a DoublePics Client / Server - Network the PCs are called clients, where the data to be analyzed are located.
The counterpart to this is the DoublePics server that may serve multiple clients.
Consolidated hits
All hits are summarized in groups.
Customer Care Center of the DotNetFabrik
In the Customer Care Center of the DotNetFabrik ( there are various ways to get in touch with us , but options - such as "Change Password" - as well. Your available license packages and license keys are also listed there.
DATA element (file element)
Data elements that are not recognized as footage when parsing through DoublePics are flagged as DATA. These data elements are displayed in the cockpit database overview as well. However, you may hide files marked as DATA.
Database ID
The database ID is a hash value, which is created by database export to DoublePics cockpit. This ID is to prove the identity of a reference database clearly . Thus you can see at a glance any manipulation of a reference database or even exactly determine which reference database performed a search at a certain point .
Performs the creation or updating of the reference database.
Preferred method.
Delete Function
In DoublePics there are two different ways to removeor delete elements:
"Remove selected files" - flagged elements are removed from the database (NOT from the HDD!)
"Delete selected files" - flagged files are deleted from the HDD!
DirectShow or formerly ActiveMovie or DirectX Media is used to handle video and audio files. Various types of video files (AVI, MPEG) and audio files (eg. As MP3) can be generated and played. Streaming is also supported and can be extended by DirectShow filter.
DirectShow has now been removed from the DirectX SDK, and has been added to the Windows Platform SDK. Thus DirectShow belongs not to DirectX any longer, but is now a part of the Windows platform.
In DoublePics you can - using the left mouse button pressed - drag and dock windows to other locations or to another screen.
A single record in a DoublePics database is called element.
Usually elements are generated of files while a disk is analyzed - the files are the element source of the element.
A full-fledged element contains both - an image pattern as well as an MD5 hash.
If during the analysis no image patterns could be extracted, only a basic element will be generated. If more than one image pattern has been extracted, a multi element has been created .
Table: Files / EF: File
Element list
The element list is a visible list of selected elements of the tree / folder structure.
Element source
Each element is connected to an element source from which the item was originally created during analysis. Files are the most fequent element sources.
The element source doesn't have to be available for a search.
exif files
The Exchangeable Image File Format (official abbreviation is Exif) is a standard format for the storage of metadata in digital images.
Exif data is written directly into the image files like JFIF (JPEG) or TIFF - into the so-called header. Today almost every image editing software is to offer these parameters, for example
Date and Time
focal length
exposure time
aperture setting
Geographic coordinates (these data can be added by activating geotagging)
Other useful information may be added subsequently in the form of so-called IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council). The IPTC standard is another standard as well. It is used mainly in photojournalism. Examples of typical IPTC fields are:
image description
copyright notice
False positive is a false search hit, a hit, whose image patterns are not the same or not even similar . This can happen particularly with too tolerant search settings.
Favorite list
Category values can be linked to the favorite element list below by selecting the "+" in the menu "Search " (in the window Category assignments). Thus a faster allocation is possible because this category value has not be searched with every new assignment.
Folder statistics
This overview provides information about elements of the folder/directory, such as the number of elements in the folder, how many images, their size, etc.
Hash algorithm
Describes the necessary steps to calculate a hash value of a particular hash type.
Hash set
A HashSet is a collection of hash values (for example, MD5, SHA1, etc.), which were created out of files of a specific origin or a specific content type (for example, illegal material)
DoublePics cockpit can import and process HashSets comfortably.
Hash value
The checksum (= hash value), which was calculated by applying a hash algorithm on a data volume (e.g. content of a file).
Example (SHA1): 68ac906495480a3404beee4874ed853a037a7a8f
(Calculated from "Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern")
Image element
Files, which are detected as images when parsing through DoublePics, are displayed as thumbnails. These data elements are displayed in the cockpit database overview as well.
If there was no image pattern extracted in the analysis , only a basic element will be generated. If there were extracted more than one image pattern, a multi-element will be created.
Image pattern
An image pattern is a computer model of the visual content of an image. It creates the opportunity to find other image patterns with similar content, without the existence of the original image files.
Image series
Image elements are called image series, which are in a relation. Thus, for example multipage files as TIFF or GIF files are image series, because these are nothing else than a series of individual images, which were joined together.
Integration point
Integration points are subdivisions of categories, where the respective category values are "mounted" to . This is particularly obvious here .
General term for a task executed by DoublePics server .
Job directory
About the job list, the individual to-do jobs are coordinated. The file extension of the created files will decide on their use or their status.
License management
In the license management you will find the active used versions and the non-activated licenses (e.g., not yet activated extensions) as well. You will find more information in the topics License Management and the FAQs.
Main window
The main window contains the default subregions (folder / tree, Filter, Server Search jobs, etc.), which can be docked, floated, hidden and moved.
Categories will be calculated by rules, which were applied to the full path of the reference element (without file name).
Checksum of file's contents. For more details see here.
Metadata are information referred to the file, in addition to the existing "actual file content". This includes information such as file name, file size, etc.
Note: Changes to this information will also change the hash value of a file.
An element, which includes more than one image pattern . A multi-element will be created either by the analysis of image files with multiple pages, for example, GIFs or TIFFs or by movie analysis.
It is called multi-element, because a movie - no matter what kind of format - is nothing else than a series of individual image elements.
Primary category
If a picture is assigned to more than one category, you can define one of them as the primary category. When exchanging data with other software (for example, X-Ways), this category is transmitted with the highest priority.
If multiple folders should be scanned recursively (incl. subfolders), the highest node
has to
be selected and activate the checkbox "use subfolders recursively " in the folder (tree) .
Reference database
A special DoublePics database that consists of selected image or video elements.
In conjunction with category data, the DoublePics server may copy the categories of reference elements to the hits.
Hit report of the previous search in graphical form.
Scanning process
Embedding elements in the database is called scanning process. To scan an image or video archive, a DoublePics database is required. This can be done through the "File" menu and selecting "Create new database" or "Open existing database" . With the help of the tab "Scan", the elements are then imported into the database.
Scan (comparison source)
The scan source is the comparison base, this means that all the images in the scan source will be compared to the repo, the comparison destination.
Thus, the scan source is the footage you want to scan for matches.
Repo (comparison destination)
The repo (eng. Repository = stock, depot or source) is the comparison destination of a scan, the footage to be compared to the scan source (the comparison source).
Browse an image set for duplicates
After loading a database in DoublePics cockpit and started a new scan without assignng Scan and Repo previously, the entire database is compared with itself.
This means, the database serves both as a comparative source as well as the comparison destination.
So you will find images that are present more than once in your database or image set.
Comparison of one image set with another
If you compare two image sets to each other, you will find images that are available in both image sets.
To compare two image sets to each other there are several possibilities:
If you, for example, transmit with the DoublePics Client a case (scan) to the DoublePics Server,
the image quantity of your case (scan) is compared with the existing amount on the server reference database (repo).
You can compare two image sets in DoublePics cockpit as well.
Simply assign the respective position via context menu to a folder or file in your database.
Sequential Hits
Search hits in 1:1 comparison. This means, that each image from the scan will be listed with the found match from the repo.
Serie / Image Serie
Images series are related images. Thus, for example multipage files as TIFF or GIF files are image series.
The scene files created during video analysis are an image serie as well.
If you want to ignore some images of an image series in future scans, select them as false-positive .
In conjunction with DoublePics server data synchronization can be performed centrally on a server against a reference database. This is possible with the Cockpit CS version only.
Sorting search results
Sorting the hits is possible by finding order and hit order.
Save Search result
The Search result may be saved by various instruments (copy full structure, report)
A search to run on a server , which was packed in a job.
Search process
A search is the scan process, which DoublePics passes to find similar images .
Scans are either element based (MD5) or patterned based (Classic / PixelMD5).
See: New search
Suspect database
The Suspect database is created of a PureFiles-job of of an image set, e.g. a DoublePics Client case .
It is needed as a scan source for the DoublePics server and is compared with the reference database.
Little preview of images. These are used, because they are more meaningful as the file name itself.
Mouse pointer. If the mouse is pulled over a
, a brief message appears. Click on this question mark and you will be forwarded directly to the appropriate topic in the manual.
A hit is the combination of two image patterns, which have been detected in a scan as a duplicate or at least as similar. In the search results, individual results are always summed up in hit groups.
Hit group
In the duplicate search, search results (each found multiple image-element) are displayed in a hit group. A distinction is made between sequential and consolidated results.
Tolerances (Colour tolerances)
Determines how sensitive a search operation should respond to
different colors
. The higher the tolerance, the more likely to find pictures that look the same, but have a different degree of brightness, or different color casts because different scanners were used. With a pretty high color tolerance pictures will be found which are present both in color and in grayscale. A higher color tolerance does not significantly slow down the search process.
If the settings are too extreme, it will lead you to false-positives.
Total Tolerance
Determines, which "similarity value" should be increased for found images not to be a search hit. This value prevents that with extremely high tolerances not too many images with no or less similarity will be displayed.
Use Case
Providing different scenarios. Overview, which functions are included as default in DoublePics, which options were offered by DoublePics and showing the differences between DoublePics and other ordinary image management tools.