Short Story: scene overview

With DoublePics you are able to analyze multi-elements (movies, GIFs multipage TIF.). The individual sequences of the multi-element are displayed like scenes - comparable with the chapters of a book.
The movies / cutscenes have to work through one after the other. and it is always apparent at first glance, which scene is being played at the moment.

The following questions can be answered by this feature within a few seconds:

What kind of information can I find in the frame of a scene overview?

Where is this scene located in the movie?

How long is this scene?

These and other details are visible in the frame IMMEDIATELY!





Number of the scene

2,0 s

Length of the scene

small red bar at the top

Position of the scene in the entire movie


Detailled information to the scenery


Dimension of the element in pixels


Frame number of the scenery (Scene 2 begins from frame #61)